The constitution of a separate state committee of the TDP for Andhra Pradesh has triggered dissent within the party in East Godavari district. Ganni Krishna, an official spokesperson, has dashed off a dissent note to party president Chandrababu Naidu signalling his dissatisfaction that he has been given less than his due.
Mr. Krishna told The Hindu on Friday that when he saw on TV that he was named to the committee as a mere organising secretary, he sent off an SMS and an email to the party requesting that his name be deleted from the list. He said he felt insulted and was happy to continue as an ordinary worker without any party post.
Mr. Krishna, a close associate of Finance Minister Y. Ramakrishnudu, was also peeved that his arch rival in the TDP in East Godavari, the Rajahmundry Rural MLA Gorantla Butchaiah Chowdary has been elevated as a general secretary in the party committee.Mr. Krishna and his party associate Koneru Vivek have been in competition with Mr. Gorantla for influence in Rajahmundry and its rural hinterland. Mr. Gorantla had to fight the last election, which he won, from Rajahmundry Rural constituency as the city seat was left to the BJP, the TDP’s ally. Deputy mayor Vasireddy Rambabu, who is the TDP’s man in charge of Rajahmundry City, Mr. Krishna’s group were behind that decision to give Mr Gorantla a difficult seat.
During the last municipal elections, Mr. Krishna’s group opposed the party’s mayoral candidate initially but supported him in the last minute after a diktat from the party’s central office.
Mr. Krishna is also peeved that although he has been in the party since its inception, he has not been given any seat of importance, except the RTC zonal chairman’s post, a very long time ago.
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